January activities
- Jun 10, 2016
- By Clarecroft Admin
- In News
Sun Group:
This month has been spent exploring the different role plays such as hairdressers, builders and doctors, the children have enjoyed dressing up and using the resources to aid their imaginative role play skills. Sun group have also looked at different ways of exploring mark making, this has included body painting, using different tools in flour and using crayons which has aided our fine motor skills and creativity. They have also worked on expanding gross motor skills by completing indoor obstacle courses, moving themselves up and down through tunnels and over balance beams. In the garden they have looked at different small worlds such as farms, dinosaurs and a safari, exploring the various animals and their habitats and sounds. They have explored different natural materials such as mud, sand, water and ice and used all of their senses to explore them. In the last week of January the Suns have been engaging in Chinese New Year celebrations, exploring the colours of red and gold, the year of the snake as well as making playdough versions of Chinese dishes such as noodles and rice.
Moon Group:
In January the moons have been exploring the vets home corner by learning to take care for the animals. Activities included grooming the animals, taking x-rays and giving them medicine all whilst learning about self care and how we need to look after ourselves as well as others. The moonies also enjoyed baking some paw print cupcakes. Moons have also been busy enjoying a disco party, an indoor obstacle course where they had to climb and squeeze into different spaces and a hair dressers salon where they used various items to create a mix of hair styles on the dolls as well as each other! The children also engaged in lots of activities in the garden such as potion making, emotion faces using playdough, bike and scooter races and firefighter role play, squirting water onto the painted fire to ‘put it out’ was great fun!
Pre-School Star Group:
This month the preschool stars have been exploring forces. This has been achieved through various activities such as, large scale car ramps to look at friction and how fast and slow the cars travelled on assorted materials, rockpools with sea creatures to look at floating and sinking, marble runs and creating see saws in the garden. The stars gained knowledge on buoyancy, motion and friction and begun to understand and use the terms float, sink, fast, slow, heavy and light in the correct context. Other activities the stars have engaged in this month include drawing emotions, extending conversations about stories, exploring different countries and matching 2D and 3D shapes. The children gained understanding of different emotions and how to label them, ways they can change stories by adding in new endings and characters and they learnt about various animals, their natural habitats, naming the countries and discussed environments such as the jungle, desert and arctic.